Now the LORD GOD planted Eden
Where He put the man He had formed
He let grow all kinds of trees there
Splendid trees and good for food
Satanic seduction
Satanic seduction
In the middle of the garden
He planted the tree
Of the knowledge of good and evil
And He commanded the man
'Don't eat from that tree
Or you will surely die'
But the serpent persuaded the woman
To eat from the forbidden tree
'When you eat of it your eyes will be opened
And you will be like GOD
Knowing good and evil
And you will not surely die'
As the woman looked at the fruit
She thought it would be good for food
So she took some and ate it
And also her husband
Then their eyes where opened
And they realised that they were naked
And sin was born
'Who told you that you are naked?'
The LORD asked
'Have you eaten from the tree
From which I told you not to eat?'
'Cursed is the ground because of you
Through painful toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life
It will produce thorns and thistles for you
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food
Until you return to the ground
Since from it you were taken
For dust you are
And to dust you will return'
Satanic seduction
Satanic seduction
Satanic seduction
Satanic seduction
Genesis 23
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Acoustic Torment - Satanic Seduction
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