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Lirik Lagu A Perfect Murder - Laughed at My Pain
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A Perfect Murder - Laughed at My Pain

Lirik Lagu A Perfect Murder - Laughed at My Pain di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu A Perfect Murder - Laughed at My Pain ]

I was reaching for a hand to hold on to.
And you threw me this stone.
The first that killed all of my hopes.
My despair, my misery.
Now that I've grown up the roles have changed.
My despair, my misery.
You're the puppet and I pull the strings.
You're the puppet and I pull the fucking strings.
Now hang by one.
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 21.54

[ Ending: A Perfect Murder - Laughed at My Pain ]

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