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Lirik Lagu A Perfect Circle - A Stranger
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A Perfect Circle - A Stranger

Lirik Lagu A Perfect Circle - A Stranger di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu A Perfect Circle - A Stranger ]

Cast the calming apple
Up and over satellites
To draw out the timid wild one
To convince you it's alright
And I listen for the whisper
Of your sweet insanity while I formulate
Denials of your affect on me

You're a stranger
So what do I care
You vanish today
Not the first time I hear
All the lies

What am I to do with all this silence
Shy away, shy away phantom
Run away terrified child
Won't you move away you ??
I'm better off without
Tearing my will down
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 21.48

[ Ending: A Perfect Circle - A Stranger ]

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