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Lirik Lagu WARREN ZEVON – Veracruz
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Lirik Lagu WARREN ZEVON – Veracruz di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu WARREN ZEVON – Veracruz ]

I heard Woodrow Wilson’s guns
I heard Maria crying
Late last night I heard the news
That Veracruz was dying
Veracruz was dying

Someone called Maria’s name
I swear it was my father’s voice
Saying, “If you stay you’ll all be slain
You must leave now – you have no choice
Take the servants and ride west
Keep the child close to your chest
When the American troops withdraw
Let Zapata take the rest”

I heard Woodrow Wilson’s guns
I heard Maria calling
Saying, “Veracruz is dying
And Cuernavaca’s falling”

Aquel dia yo jure (On that day I swore)
Hacia el puerto volvere (To the port I will return)
Aunque el destino cambio mi vida (Even though destiny changed my life)
En Veracruz morire (In Veracruz I shall die)
Aquel dia yo jure (On that day I swore)

I heard Woodrow Wilson’s guns
I heard them in the harbor
Saying, “Veracruz is dying”
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 23.49

[ Ending: WARREN ZEVON – Veracruz ]

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