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R KELLY – Trapped In The Closet (Chapter 15)

Lirik Lagu R KELLY – Trapped In The Closet (Chapter 15) di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu R KELLY – Trapped In The Closet (Chapter 15) ]

“Well, well, well.
If it ain’t Laverne and Shirley.”
Tina says, “Hey, Twan.” Twan says,
“Bitch, don’t ‘Hey, Twan’ me.”
Sylvester says, “Calm down, T.” He says, “Fuck that;
I just did three years for these hos.”
Roxanne says, “Who you callin’ a ho?!” He says, “You, bitch!”
She lost control and said, “Motherfucker, I’ll kill yo ass!”

“Stop–” “What?!” (“Wait a minute.”)”Come on!!”
“With a skillet?” (“Let’s talk about it.”) “Damned right!”
“Bitch, I–”(“Before some-motherfuckin’-body gets hurt.”) “Jump, nigga!”
“Man–” (“T, stop–”) “Fuck that!”
“Wait a minute!
Nigga, think about it!”
“Three years!!”
“Three years; this time’ll be worse!
Now come here.”

Sylvester takes Twan to the side
Tina tells Roxanne to calm down
Then Sylvester says to Twan,
“Look…Now, I know you mad,
But before you go around here makin’ threats,
Nigga, let’s not forget the fact that you’re out,
But you’re still on house arrest.”

Then Twan says, “Cool, man. I just wanna ask them
Some questions about what happened.”
Sylvester said, “I feel you, but calm yo ass down,
Or nigga, you goin’ back in.”
Twan says, “I got you.” “House arrest!”
“I got you, I got you.” “T…
Then Twan walks over to them and says,

“How you doin’, ladies?
Tina, Roxanne, please excuse me.
I mean, where’s my manners?
‘Cause, uh, that was very rude of me.”
“Twan–” “Naw, I admit
The way I came up in here, man, it was kinda wild.
But that ain’t shit compared to the way things gonna go (“Twan–”)
If THESE bitches don’t tell me what went down!”

(“Yeah, nigga!”) “Listen, motherfucker, slow your roll!
Calm down, nigga; stop this shit!” (“Come on!”)
“Sylvester, fuck that! All because of these bitches,
My ass got set up on a three-year bid!” (“Come on, motherfucker!”)
“What you gonna do, nigga, kill these bitches?!” “Yeah!”
“And then what?! Then what?!
LIFE, nigga!
They’ll lock yo ass up and throw away the key.”

Then Twan starts thinkin’ about it
While Tina and Roxanne’s watchin’ him
And I say, “Man, forget about it.” He says, “No.”
I say, “Well, let me talk to them.”
He say, “They slick-ass, man, you can’t trust ‘em.”
“Nigga, it ain’t about me trustin’ them,
It’s about you trustin’ me right now.”

“Nigga, what’s wrong with you? Are you crazy?
You forgot I did five years in the pen myself.
Now, I’m tellin’ you, I’m not goin’ back for you,
these bitches, or no-motherfuckin’-body else.
So lemme talk to ‘em.
I got this.”
Sylvester takes out his gun and shows it to the ladies,
Walks up to ‘em and says,

“Now, ladies.”
He takes the cigarette out of Roxanne’s ear
And says, “Ladies, ladies, ladies, ladies.”
He walks over to the counter and sits down
He puts the gun on the counter, goes into his pocket
And pull a cigarette lighter out
And then he lights the cigarette
Blows smoke, and then says,

“Now, ladies, it’s very obvious
That we have a problem here.
A lot of questions unanswered.
Let’s answer them so we can get out of here.
Mmm… [blows smoke]
Safe, that is.”
He flicks the ashes and says, “OK.
Which one of y’all gonna start talkin’ first?”

Then Tina start cryin’, sayin’,
“It was supposed to be a simple operation.”
And Roxanne said, “If we delivered,
Muscle Man here said it would be a vacation.”
Twan says, “Man, I’ll show you a vacation; (“Twan–”)
I’ll send y’all ass straight to the motherfuckin’ moon!”
“Twan! What did I tell you?
Ladies, continue.”

Then Roxanne said,
“On the way to Atlanta, everything was goin’ smooth,
Up until Twan start smokin’ trees
And actin’ like a fool. (“What are you doin’?”)
And that’s real. He got the radio loud,
Bumpin’ Mary Jane, just swervin’ and shit.”
“Did you tell him to stop?” “Yeah, I told him to stop, (“Stop!”)
But he just kept yelling out to me, “Nah, I’m Rick James, bitch!”

Sylvester looks at Twan
Twan says, “Man, I was drunk!”
Sylvester said, “Drunk?!
You was drunk?!” Twan says,
“Man, I don’t know; I was just tryin’ to have a little fun.”
“With a whole lotta heat in the trunk?!
Man, I’m disgusted.
Nigga, no wonder yo ass got busted.”

Then Twan says, “Man, whose side
Are you on anyway?! Theirs?!”
Then Sylvester said, “Well, let’s see…Reckless endangerment,
Loud music with drugs in the trunk? Nigga, yeah!”
Twan say, “Man, this some bullshit!”
Roxanne says, “Can I finish?!”
“Please,” Sylvester says
She says, “Well, to make a long story short–”

Tina says, “Roxanne,
Girl, let me explain.
See, Twan was kinda actin’ wild
And callin us all loud names.
Then Roxanne starts cursin’ and screamin’.
Meanwhile I’m in the backseat,
And all I know is I looked behind me.
I said, ‘Oh, shit! Here comes the police!’”

Roxanne said, “Next thing you know, Twan started speedin’,
Yellin’ out, ‘They ain’t gonna stop us!’”
Tina says, “A few minutes later, here come these squad cars
And a fuckin’ helicopter.”
Sylvester said, “Did he stop then?”
Tina says, “No.”
Roxanne says, “But luckily, that raggedy-ass car he was drivin’
Stopped on us, or we’d be who knows.”

Then Roxanne says, “Anyway, here we are,
The Three fuckin’ Stooges laid out in the dirt.
Now they puttin’ us in the back of the car, Twan yellin’ out,
‘Whatever y’all do, don’t say a fuckin’ word!’
And now we at the police station.
They got us separated off up in these rooms.
Yellin’ all in our ears, sayin’,
‘Yo man try and say these drugs belonged to you.’

And I’m like, ‘What the fuck?!’ They say,
‘Sister, yo light is lookin’ kinda dim.’
I looked up at Tina and said,
‘Girl, I’m not goin’ down, not for him!’
So there you have it, Twan.
I gave you up; it was me.
Tina, she protected you.” Twan said, “Protected me for what?!”
Tina said, “‘Cause at the time, I was pregnant by you, T…”
[Sylvester coughs]
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 01.41

[ Ending: R KELLY – Trapped In The Closet (Chapter 15) ]

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