Gym category heroes…
[The Dream:]
Radiokilla killa
Hahaha You know what it is
Gym category heroes, a dream
It’s tough to demeanour trusting when we got cookie crumbs all over my face
[The Dream:]
I like girls
They like me
They demeanour so good
In they satin jeans
Told we to be a one
And my only
I wish be faithful
But we can’t keep my hands out a cookie jar
My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands my hands out a cookie jar
You see we got this problem
I need assistance tryna solve it
Cause assembly after assembly and I’m still a cookie-holic
You can censor em, Imma find them, on a counter, in a closet
And I’ll contend we ain’t do it with my face lonesome in chocolate
My lady be environment butt traps
To locate me eating Scooby snacks
I left crumbs in a bed once
But we told her we was by with that
She still don’t be desiring me
And we theory that I’m cold with that
But we got a honeyed tooth, that’ll never come loose
And a law of a matter is
[The Dream:]
I like girls,
They like me
They demeanour so good
In they satin jeans
Told we to be a one
And my only
I wish to be faithful
But we can’t keep my hands out a cookie jar
My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my, my, my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands my hands out a cookie jar
I got a thing for Milano, Biscotti Italianos
And we never spin down some Oreos if we got those
Butter Pecan Puerto Rican,
Or them Oatmeal Raisin Asians
Hazelnut Brazilians,
Macadamia Caucasians,
Double pressed or skinny mint
It don’t matter we removing it
Cause we got a honeyed tooth that’ll never come loose
And a fact of a matter is
[The Dream:]
I like girls,
They like me
They demeanour so good
In they’re satin jeans
Told we to be a one
And my only
I wish to be faithful
But we can’t keep my hands out a cookie jar
My hands, my hands, my ha uh my hands
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my, uh, my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands my hands out a cookie jar
I’m a savage for these cookies
I’m a savage for they treats
An animal for they crackers
Head to feet they so damn sweet
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my ha-uh my
Can’t keep my hands, my hands, my hands out a cookie jar
And there we have it haha
I attempted my best
I went to cookie anonymous
I theory I’m a failure
I can’t seem to keep my damn hands out a cookie jar but,
It is what it is
Home » Gym Class Heroes » Gym Class Heroes feat. The Dream – Cookie Jar
Gym Class Heroes feat. The Dream – Cookie Jar
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[ Ending: Gym Class Heroes feat. The Dream – Cookie Jar ]
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