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Lirik Lagu ANYA MARINA – You Are Invisible
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ANYA MARINA – You Are Invisible

Lirik Lagu ANYA MARINA – You Are Invisible di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu ANYA MARINA – You Are Invisible ]

I got something I can never tell
It’s not evil, but it’s physical
Sometimes, it’s like you are invisible [x2]

I got something of the highest grade
It’s not something I would ever trade
Sometimes, it’s like we are invincible

It’s like the sound of a drone
Coming through a telescope
Like desire, all alone
Creeping through an open window

Inside the doorway in your quiet room
Outright doing what you gotta do
Sometimes, it’s like you are invisible

Like when you were small
In the ice, playing with sticks and stones
Fuckin’ around, didn’t know
Fear from your little toe, oh, oh, oh…

When you were small…
In the ice…

Like when you were small
In the ice, playing with sticks and stones…
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 07.23

[ Ending: ANYA MARINA – You Are Invisible ]

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