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Lirik Lagu ANTHONY GREEN – Big Mistake
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Lirik Lagu ANTHONY GREEN – Big Mistake di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu ANTHONY GREEN – Big Mistake ]

This is a big mistake
And very soon you’ll know
Why your whole family
Told you not to go
Where everybody said to stay
How could I ever think that I could feel the same caution as you
When I know it’s not true

It’s in my thoughts at times
I love the empty
Just how dedicated you should be
How faithless you’ve become
How could I ever think that I could see the same sunset as you
When I know that I can’t
Why did I ever want to be like that

So wrapped up with what you can’t have
You don’t notice what you have
So wrapped up with what you can’t have
You don’t notice all is lost

This is a big mistake
And every soon you’ll know
Why your whole family told you not to go
Where everybody said to stay

So wrapped up with what you can’t have
You don’t notice what you have
So wrapped what you can’t have
You don’t notice all is lost
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 02.34

[ Ending: ANTHONY GREEN – Big Mistake ]

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