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Lirik Lagu J Rocks - Into the silent
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J Rocks - Into the silent

Lirik Lagu J Rocks - Into the silent di Posting Oleh : Maha Lirik

[ Intro Lagu J Rocks - Into the silent ]

the smiling moon sez to me
there is no clash in my life
make me weak and make me sick
and there`s no time
and have no chance
and i walk
into the silent

thought keep inside not even concluded
the shadow hides eternity
the ruler of darkness distorted gear
and make it blur
and i can`t see
and i walk
into the silent
and i walk
into the silent

what can i do now
there is no chance to proof
i just fall to the ground
but still i hope i can fly
Posted by: Mahalirik
Mahalirik, Updated at: 12.37

[ Ending: J Rocks - Into the silent ]

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